Why was this happening? Mako had known he wasn’t normal since he was 13, but for his own brother? And did Bolin notice Mako’s fatal attraction? Then suddenly, the green-eyed sex god shot Mako a look. The cloth of the earthbender’s pants hugged his butt perfectly. At that moment Bolin’s butt was directly in front of Mako, who was sitting. However, Bolin ‘accidentally’ dropped the shirt. Mako gulped a little, but knew he could handle his brother shirtless. “Damn, this is a lot wetter than usual,” Bolin commented, pulling off his shirt. He then looked down and pulled on his shirt. Bolin didn’t seem to notice, and began to walk away. Even a platypus bear could see through it. “Bro, you okay? You’ve been out of it for a couple days now?” Bolin caught on to Mako’s bashful and isolation-based issue he had run into. Along with that, he grew taller and broader. Bolin had relly leaned out and packed on muscle. What was really tearing Mako up, though, were these feelings he was getting. But now Bolin was growing up and didn’t need his older brother anymore. For the past few years, Mako protected his brother with all he had.
“Oh, uh, yeah, a little,” Mako stuttered out. Mako shook his head a little, noticing his brother’s gaze. He looked at Mako, who broke out of his trance. They had worked very hard and long today, and they were hungry. Mako and Bolin decided to take a breather from their daily bending exercises.